This guide provides instructions on how to set up and configure Minecraft proxy servers like BungeeCord or Waterfall on the same Node. Proxies and servers behind it on different machines instead of this guide would have a firewall allowing only connections from Machine 1 to Machine 2 port.

Your BungeeCord or any similar proxy server should follow the normal allocation creation described in Adding Allocations to be available to the public. The servers behind the proxy would use for the allocation to not be exposed to the public.


Proxy configurations

Containers operate within network isolation, and instead of using localhost or for the address, the wisp0 interface is utilized, which by default has the IP address This specific interface must be permitted in any local firewalls you may have in place, such as ufw or firewalld.

Verify the IP of the wisp0 interface by running the command ip a | grep "wisp0" or ip a

Below we cover some of the most popular proxies and servers, but the same rules apply to any other option. The only difference is in the address used.

BungeeCord, WaterFall, Hexacord

The address is the only required change in config.yml, any additional configurations depend on your own preference and setup.

    motd: 'my precious lobby server'  
    restricted: false


In the velocity.toml enable online-mode and add your servers using the wisp0 interface IP.

online-mode = true
servers = [
    name = "lobby"
    address = ""


In config.yml change the address to the wisp0interface and port to match your BungeeCord or similar proxy that would forward Bedrock players to the Java servers behind it.

  port: 25565 # This should match the BungeeCord port

Paper, Spigot

In spigot.yml set the key bungeecord to true.