<aside> 📎 Endpoints


Server ID

Each server's short UUID can be found in the URL of the server, in the format of https://your-panel.com/server/ABCDEFGH where ABCDEFGH is the UUID. All examples below will display it as <ID> that you should replace with your server short UUID.

Get all servers

Retrieves all servers that the user of the API token has access to

GET https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers

Available include parameters

You can request additional information by passing ?include=<parameter> . Separate each parameter with a comma when requesting multiple.

node - display information about the current node egg - display information about the used egg allocations - display server allocations

Example Request

curl "<https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers>" \\
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.wisp.v1+json" \\
  -H "Authorization: Bearer APITOKEN" \\
  -X GET

Example Response

    "object": "list",
    "data": [
            "object": "server",
            "attributes": {
                "uuid": "556cadd0-e292-48f9-b407-00fd2e682f31",
                "uuid_short": "556cadd0",
                "name": "minecraft",
                "description": "Server created with love",
                "monitor": true,
                "support_op": false,
                "limits": {
                    "memory": 1024,
                    "swap": 0,
                    "disk": 10240,
                    "io": 500,
                    "cpu": 100
                "feature_limits": {
                    "databases": 4,
                    "backup_megabytes": 4096
            "object": "server",
            "attributes": {
                "uuid": "b75ae429-9515-4c0f-bca8-68229cdfc1e1",
                "uuid_short": "b75ae429",
                "name": "gmod",
                "description": "Server created with love",
                "monitor": false,
                "support_op": false,
                "limits": {
                    "memory": 1024,
                    "swap": 0,
                    "disk": 10240,
                    "io": 500,
                    "cpu": 100
                "feature_limits": {
                    "databases": 4,
                    "backup_megabytes": 4096
    "meta": {
        "pagination": {
            "total": 2,
            "count": 2,
            "per_page": 10,
            "current_page": 1,
            "total_pages": 1,
            "links": {}

Get server details

Retrieves information about a specific server

GET https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/<UUID>

Available include parameters

You can request additional information by passing ?include=<parameter> . Separate each parameter with a comma when requesting multiple.

node - display information about the current node egg - display information about the used egg allocations - display server allocations features - list enabled features

Example Request

curl "<https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/><UUID>" \\
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.wisp.v1+json" \\
  -H "Authorization: Bearer APITOKEN" \\
  -X GET

Example Response

  "object": "server",
  "attributes": {
      "uuid": "556cadd0-e292-48f9-b407-00fd2e682f31",
      "uuid_short": "556cadd0",
      "name": "minecraft",
      "description": "Server created with love",
      "monitor": true,
      "support_op": false,
      "limits": {
          "memory": 1024,
          "swap": 0,
          "disk": 10240,
          "io": 500,
          "cpu": 100
      "feature_limits": {
          "databases": 4,
          "backup_megabytes": 4096
  "meta": {
      "extra_objects": [
              "object": "permissions",
              "attributes": [

Get resource usage and power status

Retrieves server resource usage, power state, and players in query stats object for supported games

GET https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/<UUID>/resources

Example Request

curl "<https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/><UUID>/resources" \\
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.wisp.v1+json" \\
  -H "Authorization: Bearer APITOKEN" \\
  -X GET

Example Response

	"status": 1,
	"proc": {
		"memory": {
			"total": 1821257728,
			"limit": 2048000000
		"cpu": {
			"total": 53.81,
			"limit": 200
		"disk": {
			"used": 102577308,
			"limit": 5000,
			"io_limit": 500
		"network": {
			"eth0": {
				"rx_bytes": 6517,
				"rx_packets": 89,
				"rx_errors": 0,
				"rx_dropped": 0,
				"tx_bytes": 6703,
				"tx_packets": 63,
				"tx_errors": 0,
				"tx_dropped": 0
	"query": {
		"name": "A Minecraft Server",
		"map": "",
		"password": false,
		"raw": {
			"vanilla": {
				"name": "",
				"map": "",
				"password": false,
				"raw": {
					"description": {
						"text": "A Minecraft Server"
					"players": {
						"max": 20,
						"online": 0
					"version": {
						"name": "1.18.1",
						"protocol": 757
				"maxplayers": 20,
				"players": [],
				"bots": [],
				"connect": "",
				"ping": 0
			"gamespy": {
				"name": "A Minecraft Server",
				"map": "",
				"password": false,
				"raw": {
					"playerTeamInfo": {
						"": []
					"hostname": "A Minecraft Server",
					"gametype": "SMP",
					"game_id": "MINECRAFT",
					"version": "1.18.1",
					"plugins": "",
					"map": "world",
					"numplayers": "0",
					"maxplayers": "20",
					"hostport": "25565",
					"hostip": ""
				"maxplayers": 20,
				"players": [],
				"bots": [],
				"connect": "",
				"ping": 1
		"maxplayers": 20,
		"players": [],
		"bots": [],
		"type": "minecraft",
		"version": "1.18.1"

Send power request

Sends a power request to a server

POST https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/<UUID>/power

Required Parameters

signal - The power signal to send. Available options: start, stop, restart, kill

Example Request

curl "<https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/><UUID>/power" \\
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.wisp.v1+json" \\
  -H "Authorization: Bearer APITOKEN" \\
  -X POST \\
  -d '{"signal": "start"}'

Response code 204 for a successful request

Send command

Sends a command to a server

POST https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/<UUID>/command

Required Parameters

command - The command to send

Example Request

curl "<https://your-panel.com/api/client/servers/><UUID>/command" \\
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.wisp.v1+json" \\
  -H "Authorization: Bearer APITOKEN" \\
  -X POST \\
  -d '{"command": "ban user test"}'

Response code 204 for a successful request

Response code 412 if the server is not running

Update server name