<aside> ℹī¸ Contribute on the Crowdin platform to add new languages and improve existing ones


The translations are created, proofread, and maintained using the Crowdin platform. You can join the translation team by clicking here. Contribute towards any given language to improve or add it to the Panel.

All of the currently available language options can be viewed on the Admin Panel Settings, including changing the default language for the Panel. The changed language also affects emails sent by the Panel, such as when a new user is created, a server is installed, or added as a sub-user.

Default Language can be changed at the Admin Panel

Default Language can be changed at the Admin Panel 1) Administration → 2) Settings → 3) General

Each individual user can change their desired language which only affects their own view. This can be done by navigating to Account Settings on the client page. Alternatively, you can click on the logo next to your username at the bottom left.


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