Bearer tokens are used for authentication to the API. You can generate it by clicking on your profile and navigating to Security Controls. API token must be included in the headers on every request, and it must be explicitly specified that it’s a bearer token as follows:
Authorization: Bearer APITOKEN
All requests expect JSON, so you must change Content-Type and the Accept header:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.wisp.v1+json
Alternatively, instead of using tokens, you can pass the session cookie wisp_session
to authenticate. This can be retrieved by authenticating with your user, or by retrieving it from a response of a successful API request.
-H 'Cookie: wisp_session=eyJpdiI6IjJ6S1R2c0FGUzJtbUtMZ0ZMWEU2L1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiMGFvVEMrb1VZRVFvL1hDUFErZ2ZFazE1VWQzckVBQjF4UTRHTXpDMUdsSi95WTZ5VFFOMXBNdklrd0o1bFBpcnIyRVYxQjRtdFFOWXNuUHEyS2VIN1vOljVVbGYxS0tDeGZDb3BWV0hlWU9GZis1cnFjNmkyTGlKVDFxa1orWGwiLCJtYWMiOiI1ZGJhYmM4YWM3YWVjYTkxYTY5MTY2ZmI3MDMzMTkwODZjYTQ3NDM2NTdlN2Y1MWQ5MTUyMGIzMGNmODY4OTQyIn0%3D; expires=Wed, 02-Mar-2022 10:53:45 GMT;;
curl "<>" \\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
-H "Accept: application/vnd.wisp.v1+json" \\
-H "Authorization: Bearer APITOKEN"
💡 You must replace APITOKEN
with your token and
with your panel URL for all requests.
You can view if there are more servers to display using the meta.pagination data provided in the request.
To check the next page, you can append at end of the URL ?page=NUMBER
and replace NUMBER with the desired page to load.
can be passed to retrieve more requests per page. The default value is 10 and the max is 25.